My Starbucks Orders (Updated!)

Anyone who knows me knows I am addicted to coffee. So I thought I should share on here what I typically order from Starbucks. I love to learn what other people are drinking and trying new drinks, but I also have drinks that are my go-to. Below are a few of my favorites.

New Favorite!

A grande cold foam cold brew, but I adjust it a little. I get 3 pumps of sugar free vanilla and 1 pump hazelnut in the foam. I also add one shot of Blonde Espresso. Its so good and only about 100 calories!

French Vanilla Latte

A classic with a few variations. I order an iced vanilla latte even in the winter. I get almond milk and blonde espresso. This is my absolute most ordered drink by far.

Passion Tango Lemonade

My summertime non-coffee drink. I always order a venti half sweetened or it is way to sweet for me. I often get this when its hot outside and typically get a venti water as well.

Vanilla-hazelnut Latte

Its my same vanilla latte as earlier in this post, except the fact that I add hazelnut as well. This is super good iced or hot. If I am feeling a warm drink this is usually what I order.

French Vanilla Cold Brew

If I am feeling something less sweet I will order my cold brew. My cold brew is a regular cold brew with one two pumps of sugar free vanilla, one shot blonde espresso, and light cream. Its good and only 80 calories as a grande.

Mint-Chip Green Tea Frap

This is my specialty drink that I only get occasionally. Its a regular green tea frappucchino with chocolate chips (java chips) and peppermint added. This also has no coffee in it so its good for those that are not a fan of the coffee taste.

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